• Price: $0.033 Market Cap: $65.78M
  • Volume: $1.84M Supply: 1942.42M
  • Staking: 0 Stakers:



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Participate in the DeFine airdrop and share $5,000 airdrop rewards.

Website | White Paper

Project Overview

DeFine - The NFT based decentralized social network for Web 3.0


Web 3.0 social profile system

An NFT-based social profile will be constructed for users based on their contribution and achievements in the digital world


Digital Label

When users connect their wallet address to DeFine platform, their NFT based social profile will facilitate access to social activity, private messaging groups, content or friends suggestions that will be linked to their digital activity.


NFT-based honor badges

Limited NFT-based honor badges will be rewarded to those with good historical behavior or interaction on the blockchain, i.e. whales, LPs, yield farmers, etc. Users who had malicious behaviors will be given dishonor labels, i.e. hackers.


Cross Platform Interoperability

In the future one social identification NFT can be interoperable between different blockchains and Metaverse platforms -- not restricted to DeFine platform.



Social Features


Digital Credit System

The NFT-based social profile will pave ways for future NFT-based defi features such as credit lending. For example, users can collateralize its honor medals like a “credit” to get loans. If the user doesn’t payback on time, his honor medal will be burned and given a dishonor label instead.


Metaverse Profile

The NFT-based social profile will be utilized in different metaverses where the users activity is reflected among their profile. For example, users can gain honor by having achievements in different metaverses.



Unlike any other NFT platforms that are simply focused on marketplaces that trade digital assets whether they be art, music or video NFTS, DeFine expands upon the NFT marketplace model by including features that facilitate engagement and social interaction in addition to NFT auctionsand drops. The platform will provide multiple innovative modules to incentivize both the creator and community starting with the ability to mint one’s social or fan token.




The NFT Loan allows users to get a short-term loan with their NFTs as collateral or lend to others on their NFTs.


The borrowers can stake their NFTs on the loan marketplace as collateral and the lenders will provide loans with ETH or stablecoins. If a loan is accepted, the borrower can claim the funds to their wallet while their NFT is then locked in the smart contract. Once the loan and interest are paid off, borrowers can claim their collateralized NFT back. If the loan is not paid off before the due date, the NFT will be transferred to the lender or listed for auction on our platform.The lenders can explore the loan marketplace and provide loans to their favorite NFTs with attractive interest rates. The only risk for a lender is that they will end up with the collateralized NFT if the borrowers default.

Rules & Instructions

All users who have completed the DeFine Social tasks and KYC are eligible to earn a total of 5,000 USDT (TRC-20). The rewards will be distributed to all eligible participants in 3 working days by the end of the event. Participants must complete all three airdrop tasks and submit their TRC-20 USDT address in the event dashboard before the event closes to receive their rewards.


Task 1 - Join DeFine Telegram: Join and be active in DeFine Telegram community during the whole event period. Users need to have 5+ active days and 5+ messages (with spam filter).


Task 2 - Follow DeFine Twitter: Follow DeFine Twitter during the whole event period. Users need to retweet or comment 2+ DeFine tweets (with spam filter).


Task 3 - Follow DeFine Instagram: Follow DeFine Instagram during the whole event period. Users need to like or comment 2+ DeFine posts (with spam filter).


Task 4 – Sign up on DeFine and Edit your Profile:  Go to https://app.define.one and connect your Metamask Wallet. Then go to ‘My Profile’ and edit your Username and Profile.



The rewards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. 


- The first 100 participants will receive $5 worth of USDT.

- Participants 101~8,00 will receive $2 worth of USDT.

- Participants 8,01~3,900 will receive $1 worth of USDT.



 *Only the first 3,900 participants will receive airdrop rewards.





All participants MUST submit their TRC-20 wallet addresses in the Blockzone event dashboard before this event closes to receive airdrop reward. Failing to submit TRC20 addresses will result in losing all the airdrop awards.

Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as an offering of securities or as investment advice or investment recommendations by Blockzone or any of its affililiates. Blockzone is not providing any broker-dealer, investment advisory, legal, financial or tax related service. Potential participants must conduct their own due diligence of any issuer, token or token-based security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, token or token-based security is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.